The last few weeks …

December 16, 2007

So I am on my blog again, it feels like after an era but it has only been a few weeks… huh!!

Every weekday has crawled like a week itself, choc-o-bloc with work work and more work, and the weekends have disappeared either sleeping, shopping or traveling. So here are some random things that were responsible for my busi-ness:

  • Work, ofcourse. Will not crib as i have loved the challenge, but it’s been tough.
  • Misbah ul haq. Whenever I managed to catch up with cricket, I found this batting. His patience failed mine, and I had to change the channel.
  • Table Tennis. This is what has replaced my tea breaks at office, like this game.
  • Shopping. Well my inflated credit card bill is what i am left with after a shopping spree.
  • Shataabdi Express. I went to close friends marriage on a weekend with a group of friends, the Delhi-Amritsar train was my first Shataabdi experience.
  • Golden Temple at 2 am. Yes, after the marriage ceremony and before the train back to Delhi, we decided to visit the Golden temple, and awesome experience (see the pic in my clicks section) and the time was 2 in the morning.
  • Dus Kahanian. Saw this movie last Sunday, and still cannot decide whether the movie was good or bad. A mix of extremely good and bad stories.

Though most part of the last few weeks has been fast, tight and tedious, this weekend seems to be different, it seems to be slow, peaceful, beautiful and long (it’s still Sunday Morning), and while I was wondering why this change I realized that it’s December already. Yes it’s December, my favorite month for multiple reasons and one of them is this beautiful whether. And as i foresee decreasing workload going forward, this december is going to be Happy December as usual.